This is the first time Norway is participating in the conference, which is the supreme governing body of the organisation. As the first OECD country, Norway was approved as an implementing country by the EITI Board on 1 March 2011. Currently a total of 11 countries have achieved this status in the EITI. For several years, Norway has endorsed the organisation and given it financial support.

– The EITI conference is an important venue to exchange experiences with other resource rich countries. Many countries face major challenges with regard to transparency in the management of natural resources and the financial flows related to these. At this conference we hope to share some of our knowledge and inspire debate on this issue, said Minister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Riis-Johansen.

Last time the conference was held, there were over 500 participants from 80 countries. In addition to attending the conference, Norway will have a stand at the conference site, where information from the Norwegian stakeholder group and the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy will be presented to the participants.